A Call to Human Rights Watch!Cuban Repression out of Control!

Pro Democracy Activists begin their “I don’t Cooperate with the Dictatorship” campaign for the upcoming October 21 mockery elections orquestrated by the Cuban Communists

The man who in a few more seconds will get a beating from the agents of the Cuban political police has committed a serious crime in Cuba: he’s the president of The Information Center for Democracy. His crime is that he dares to speak his mind, and the Cuban authorities strongly disagree with anyone who speaks about freedom and democracy in Cuba. The thug who’s holding him is a member of the Rapid Display Brigades, a repressive body a la Gestapo. His job is to hold pro-democracy activists while his comrades administer the beating and humilliation dosis authorized by the dictatorship. The name of this Democrat is Carlos Ríos Otero. He’s now appealing to a Miami TV station to let him participate-via recorded telephone call- in the program “A Mano Limpia”, who’s presenter, Oscar Haza, introduces the Cuban reality by way of testimonies, to the world. Knowing that his life is in danger, Ríos Otero, is willing to put it all on the line in the name of freedom and democracy. In a moving appeal in the form of a letter, Ríos, presents his case to the world. The letter could be read at Democracia y Vida.com. You can also click HERE to read the document.

~ by Rafael Martel on October 19, 2007.

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